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_vimrc settings

se autoindent
se shiftwidth=4
se softtabstop=4
se expandtab
se nowrapscan
se guifont=Lucida_Console:h9:cDEFAULT
se columns=160
se lines=45
se cursorline
se showcmd
se showmatch
syntax on

set backup
set backupdir=C:\WINDOWS\Temp
set backupskip=C:\WINDOWS\Temp\*
set directory=C:\WINDOWS\Temp
set writebackup


[string]$xmlFilename = $(throw "-xmlFilename is required.")

[xml]$doc = Get-Content $xmlFilename
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient

foreach ($user in $doc.users.user)
$wc.DownloadString('http://webservice?$select=Email&$filter=ActiveDirectoryAccount eq ''' + $user + '''')


# Tests whether relevant statements in the specified
# SQL adhere to four-part naming conventions.
param (
[string]$filename = $(throw "-filename is required."),
[ValidateSet("MINT", "QA1", "QA2", "PROD")]
[string]$targetEnvironment = $(throw "-targetEnvironment is required.")

Set-StrictMode -Verbose -Version 1.0

function load-mintTransforms
$transforms.Add("\[server\\blah\]\.\[SIDE\]\.\[DBO\]\.\[SIDE_", "[server\\blah2].[SIMT].[DBO].[SIMT_")
$transforms.Add("\[server\\blah\]\.\[SIDE\]\.\[DBO\]\.", "[server\\blah2].[SIMT].[DBO].")
$transforms.Add("\[server\\blah\]\.\[SIDE_IMT\]\.\[STEMS_INTERFACE\]\.", "[server\\blah2].[SIMT_IMT].[STEMS_INTERFACE].")

function load-qa1Transforms
$transforms.Add("\[server\\blah\]\.\[SIDE\]\.\[DBO\]\.\[SIDE_", "[SITSQA1LISTHA\\blah2,4901].[SIQA].[DBO].[SIQA_")
$transforms.Add("\[server\\blah\]\.\[SIDE\]\.\[DBO\]\.", "[SITSQA1LISTHA\\blah2,4901].[SIQA].[DBO].")
$transforms.Add("\[server\\blah\]\.\[SIDE_IMT\]\.\[STEMS_INTERFACE\]\.", "[server\\blah2].[SIQA_IMT].[STEMS_INTERFACE].")

function load-qa2Transforms
$transforms.Add("\[server\\blah\]\.\[SIDE\]\.\[DBO\]\.\[SIDE_", "[server\\blah2].[SIQA].[DBO].[SIQA_")
$transforms.Add("\[server\\blah\]\.\[SIDE\]\.\[DBO\]\.", "[server\\blah2].[SIQA].[DBO].")
$transforms.Add("\[server\\blah\]\.\[SIDE_IMT\]\.\[STEMS_INTERFACE\]\.", "[server\\blah2].[SIQA_IMT].[STEMS_INTERFACE].")

function load-prodTransforms
$transforms.Add("\[server\\blah\]\.\[SIDE\]\.\[DBO\]\.\[SIDE_", "[SITSPDLISTHA\\blah2,4901].[SIPR].[DBO].[SIPR_")
$transforms.Add("\[server\\blah\]\.\[SIDE\]\.\[DBO\]\.", "[SITSPDLISTHA\\blah2,4901].[SIPR].[DBO].")
$transforms.Add("\[server\\blah\]\.\[SIDE_IMT\]\.\[STEMS_INTERFACE\]\.", "[SITSPDLISTHA\\blah2].[SIPR_IMT].[STEMS_INTERFACE].")

function load-transforms
switch ($targetEnvironment)
"MINT" { load-mintTransforms }
"QA1" { load-qa1Transforms }
"QA2" { load-qa2Transforms }
"PROD" { load-prodTransforms }

$transforms = [ordered]@{}


foreach ($line in (get-content $filename))
foreach ($transform in $transforms.GetEnumerator())
$search = $($transform.Name)
$replace = $($transform.Value)

$line = $line -replace $search,$replace



# Tests whether relevant statements in the specified
# SQL adhere to four-part naming conventions.
param (
[string]$filename = $(throw "-filename is required."),
[switch]$inlineFilename = $false

Set-StrictMode -Verbose -Version 1.0

function line-usesFourPartNaming($statement)
# Optional square brackets on all but the first element of four-part names
$line -match $statement + "\s*\[.*\]\.\[*.*\]*\.\[*.*\]*\.\[*.*\]*.*$"

function process-from
# Ignore anything relating to temp tables
if ($line -match "\b(from|join)\b\s+(#|@)(tmp|usr)") { return "" }

# Ignore anything relating to sub-selects
if ($line -match "\b(from|join)\b\s+\(") { return "" }

# Ignore anything selecting from openxml
if ($line -match "\b(from|join)\b\s+openxml\s*\(") { return "" }

# Ignore DELETE FROM (these are picked up separately)
if ($line -match "\bdelete\b\s+\bfrom\b") { return "" }

# Issue a warning for openquery statements
if ($line -match "\bfrom\b\s+openquery\s*\(")
return "Warning"

if (line-usesFourPartNaming $searchPatterns.Get_Item("from")) {
return ""
} else {
return "Error"

function process-update
# Ignore anything relating to temp tables
if ($line -match "\bupdate\b\s+(#|@)(tmp|usr)") { return "" }

if (line-usesFourPartNaming $searchPatterns.Get_Item("update")) {
return ""

if ($line -match "\bupdate\b\s*$") {
return "Warning"
} else {
return "Error"

function process-delete
# Ignore anything relating to temp tables
if ($line -match "\bdelete\b\s+\bfrom\b\s+(#|@)(tmp|usr)") { return "" }

if (line-usesFourPartNaming $searchPatterns.Get_Item("delete")) {
return ""
if ($line -match "\bdelete\b\s*$") {
return "Warning"
} else {
return "Error"

function process-ddl
# Ignore anything relating to temp tables
if ($line -match "\b(alter|create|drop)\b\s+\btable\b\s+(#|@)(tmp|usr)") { return "" }

if (line-usesFourPartNaming $searchPatterns.Get_Item("ddl")) {
return ""
} else {
return "Error"

function process-grant
# Automatically issue a warning for all GRANT statements

$searchPatterns = @{}
$searchPatterns.Add("from", "\b(from|join)\b")
$searchPatterns.Add("update", "\bupdate\b")
$searchPatterns.Add("delete", "\bdelete\b\s+\bfrom\b")
$searchPatterns.Add("ddl", "\b(alter|create|drop)\b\s+\b(constraint|index|procedure|table|view)\b")
$searchPatterns.Add("grant", "\bgrant\b\s+(\ball\b\s)*(\bprivileges\b\s)*(\b[A-z]+\b\s)*(\(\b[^\)]+\b\)\s)*\bon\b.*$")

$lineNumber = 0
$inlineText = [String]::Empty
$issueFound = ""

if ($inlineFilename) { $inlineText = "{0}`: " -f $filename }
else { "Filename: '$filename'" }

foreach ($line in (get-content $filename))

# Ignore commented-out lines
if ($line -match "^\s*(--|#|\/\*)") { continue }

# Ignore 'THROW' statements
if ($line -match "^\s*throw\b") { continue }

if ($line -match $searchPatterns.Get_Item("from")) { $issueFound = process-from }
if ($line -match $searchPatterns.Get_Item("update")) { $issueFound = process-update }
if ($line -match $searchPatterns.Get_Item("delete")) { $issueFound = process-delete }
if ($line -match $searchPatterns.Get_Item("ddl")) { $issueFound = process-ddl }
if ($line -match $searchPatterns.Get_Item("grant")) { $issueFound = process-grant }

if ($issueFound)
"{0}{1} at line {2}`: {3}" -f $inlineText, $issueFound, $lineNumber, ($line -replace '^\s*', '')

$issueFound = ""

Change the title of a quicklaunch item

$sc = Get-SPWeb "http://host/type/year/mod"
$ann = $sc.Navigation.QuickLaunch[0]
$ann.Title = "Staff Announcements"
$ann = $sc.Navigation.QuickLaunch[0]

Copy into a UNC path the contents of program files

$server=$env:COMPUTERNAME|%{$_ -replace ".*-",""}

gci 'c:\Program Files (x86)\*'|foreach-object {$_.FullName}|out-file -encoding ASCII $dumpdir\${server}_c_progfilesx86.txt

gci 'c:\Program Files\*'|foreach-object {$_.FullName}|out-file -encoding ASCII $dumpdir\${server}_c_progfiles.txt

gci 'd:\Program Files\*'|foreach-object {$_.FullName}|out-file -encoding ASCII $dumpdir\${server}_d_progfiles.txt

A proper ‘find’ command

Get-ChildItem -filter *.ps1 -Recurse|ForEach-Object {write-host $_.FullName }


        <checkOutComment>{0} added to page by an automated script</checkOutComment>


Logging from Simple PowerShell Script Logging
Adding WebPart to page from Add WebPart to a web with PowerShell
Checking out pages from Using PowerShell script update the page name


[xml] $xdoc = Get-Content .\Add-WebPartToPage.xml
$logfile = ".\Add-WebPartToPage_$(get-date -format `"yyyyMMdd_HHmmss`").txt"

Function ProcessLearningSpace($learningSpace)
    $web = Get-SPWeb $learningspace
    $page = $web.GetFile($homepage)

    if ($web.WebTemplate -ne $webTemplate)
        log "$wpType NOT added to $learningSpace, This is not a $webTemplate site" red


    if (!(IsPublishingPage($web)))
        log "adding $wpType NOT added to $learningSpace, This is not a publishing page" red


    if (IsWebPartOnPage($web))
        log "$wpType NOT added to $learningSpace, It is already present" red


    if ($page.CheckOutType -eq "None" -And $page.LockType -eq "None")
        log "$wpType added to $learningSpace," white

        log "Not adding $wpType to $learningSpace, Page is checked out or locked" red


Function Log($string, $colour)
    if ($colour -eq $null)
        $colour = "white"

    write-host $string -ForeGroundColor $colour
    $string | Out-File -Filepath $logfile -append

Function IsPublishingPage($web)
    return [Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb]::IsPublishingWeb($web)

Function IsWebPartOnPage($web)
    $retValue = $False
    $pweb = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb]::GetPublishingWeb($web)
    $pages = $pweb.PagesList

    foreach ($item in $pages.Items)
        $fileUrl = $tutorSpace + '/' + $item.File.Url
        $webpartmanager = $item.file.GetLimitedWebPartManager([System.Web.UI.WebControls.Webparts.PersonalizationScope]::Shared)
        $wps = $webpartmanager.webparts

        foreach ($webpart in $wps)
            if ($webpart.GetType().ToString() -eq $wpType)
                $retValue = $True



    return $retValue

Function AddWebPartToPage()
    $webpart = New-Object $wpType
    $webpart.Title = $wpTitle
    $webpart.ChromeType = [System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PartChromeType]::TitleOnly

    $webpartmanager = $web.GetLimitedWebPartManager(

    $webpartmanager.AddWebPart($webpart, $wpZoneName, $wpZoneIndex)



Function Main()
    $server = $

    $pageModification = $

    $homepage = $pageModification.pageName
    $webTemplate = $pageModification.webTemplate
    $wpTitle = $pageModification.webPartTitle
    $wpType = $pageModification.webPartType
    $wpZoneName = $pageModification.webPartZoneName
    $wpZoneIndex = $pageModification.webPartZoneIndex

    $comments = [string]::Format($pageModification.checkOutComment, $wpType)

    foreach ($siteCollection in $pageModification.siteCollections.siteCollection)
        $spSite = Get-SPSite $server$siteCollection

        foreach($web in $spSite.AllWebs)

    foreach ($learningSpace in $pageModification.learningSpaces.learningSpace)
        $spWeb = Get-SPWeb $server$learningSpace



PowerShell full history , full width

From Using PowerShell History

history|Format-Table CommandLine